Ya puedes inscribirte en la 3rd International Brewing Web Conference (IBWC) del 7-8 de diciembre

brewing web conference

Los días 7 y 8 de diciembre se celebra la 3rd International Brewing Web Conference (IBWC), sobre la que puedes consultar toda la información y cursar la inscripción en este enlace: www.vlb-berlin.org/en/IBWC2022

Este es el PROGRAMA previsto:

“Morning” Live Session 1, Wednesday, December 7, 2022 (10:00 am – 2:40 pm CET)

• The 2022 hop crop, climate change and the supply and demand situation
Thomas Raiser / Hannes Schneeberger (Barthaas)
• Production of non-alcoholic (NAB) / low-alcoholic (LAB) beers through fermentation
Philippe Janssens (Fermentis)
• Decarbonized operation – brewing technologies for minimal energy requirement
David de Schutter / Konstantin Bellut (AB InBev)
• Dude, where’s my keg? Keg-pooling, long term rental and keg IoT tracking
Christian Barden / Heiko Wiebel (Konvoy UK)
• Phoenix – upcycling of brewing residues for energetic and nutrient utilization
Dr. Ralph Schneid (Steinecker)
• A zero emission malthouse: technical excellence for sustainable malting
Edwin Evers (Holland Malt)
• Carlsberg Research Lab invents a new, ultra-fast breeding technology to develop the crops of the future
Prof. Dr. Birgitte Skadhauge (Carlsberg Research Center)

“Evening” Live Session 2, Thursday, December 8, 2022 (5:00 pm – 8:50 pm CET)

• Returnable bottles in the brewing industry – a new trend?
Ingo Pankoke (VLB Berlin)
• 15 years of crossflow filtration in the brewing industry – history and outlook
Dr. Dirk Weber (Pentair)
• Water qualities in the brewery and different types of water treatment
Dr. Alfons Ahrens (VLB)
• Modernizing the Golden Brewery in Colorado, USA: 150 years of operation and next evolution in brewing
Craig Guyse (Molson Coors)
• FAQ in hop bitter acids analysis – Overview on current industry standards and discussion of new/alternate methods
Nils Rettberg (VLB)
• Best practice for the application of downstream products
Frank Peiffer (Hopsteiner)

Major Sponsor: Fermentis

Additional Support by: Pentair / Brauwelt International

Access to our event plattform open from Dec 6, 2022 (2:00 pm) until Dec 13, 2022 (12:00 am)

Information and registration: www.vlb-berlin.org/en/IBWC2022
